C-24.2, r. 0.1 - Ministerial Order concerning access to the driving of heavy vehicles

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À jour au 1er septembre 2012
Ce document a valeur officielle.
chapter C-24.2, r. 0.1
Ministerial Order concerning access to the driving of heavy vehicles
Highway Safety Code
(chapter C-24.2, ss. 99 and 633.2).
1. The application of section 99 of the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2) and of sections 44 to 46 of the Regulation respecting licences (chapter C-24.2, r. 34) is suspended until 15 July 2014 in respect of students of 17 or 18 years of age who participate, on the conditions prescribed by this Order, in the Programme enrichi d’accès à la conduite de véhicules lourds so that they may have earlier access to the driving of road vehicles covered by Class 1, Class 2 or Class 3 of driver’s licences.
M.O. 2011-08, s. 1.
2. The Programme enrichi d’accès à la conduite de véhicules lourds refers to either of the 2 programs of study referred to in section 3 and offered by Commission scolaire des Premières-Seigneuries and Commission scolaire de la Rivière-du-Nord, followed by a training period in an undertaking that is to last until the student has completed 24 months as the holder of a Class 5 probationary licence.
The maximum number of students that may be admitted to the Programme enrichi d’accès à la conduite de véhicules lourds is 40.
M.O. 2011-08, s. 2.
3. Two programs of study are offered: the Transport par camion program and the Conduite d’autobus program, both recognized by the Minister of Education, Recreation and Sports.
M.O. 2011-08, s. 3.
4. The Transport par camion program is followed by a training period as an apprentice driver of road vehicles covered by Class 1 or Class 3 licences.
M.O. 2011-08, s. 4.
5. The Conduite d’autobus program is followed by a training period as an apprentice driver of road vehicles covered by Class 2 licences.
M.O. 2011-08, s. 5.
6. To be admitted in the Programme enrichi d’accès à la conduite de véhicules lourds, a person must
(1)  be 17 or 18 years of age;
(2)  if the person is an unemancipated minor, written authorization from the person having parental authority or, failing that, the person who has legal custody of the minor for participation in the Programme enrichi d’accès à la conduite de véhicules lourds and for the communication and use of the personal information referred to in subparagraphs 11 and 12;
(3)  hold a Class 5 probationary licence that still has to run at least 12 months before the holder may apply for a Class 5 driver’s licence;
(4)  not have seen his or her probationary licence or learner’s licence suspended or revoked during the last 2 years;
(5)  be admitted to the Transport par camion program of study or the Conduite d’autobus program of study;
(6)  in the case of admission to the Transport par camion program, have a training period promised by a participating undertaking as an apprentice driver of road vehicles covered by Class 1 or Class 3 licences;
(7)  in the case of admission to the Conduite d’autobus program, have a training period promised by a participating undertaking as an apprentice driver of road vehicles covered by Class 2 licences;
(8)  participate in at least 1 information session held by a school board referred to in section 2;
(9)  provide a health examination or assessment report in accordance with section 73 of the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2) and satisfy the medical requirements for a Class 1 or Class 3 learner’s licence, in the case of admission to the Transport par camion program, or satisfy the medical requirements for a Class 2 learner’s licence, in the case of admission to the Conduite d’autobus program;
(10)  pass a written examination and have an interview with the selection committee to demonstrate his or her skills and interest for highway transportation;
(11)  authorize the communication of the personal information necessary for the administration of the Programme enrichi d’accès à la conduite de véhicules lourds between the school board where the person is registered, the participating undertaking where the person serves his or her training period, the Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec and the committees referred to in sections 13 and 14; and
(12)  authorize the Société to consult and use the personal information related to the Programme enrichi d’accès à la conduite de véhicules lourds for all the duration of participation in that program, and for 5 years from the date of issue of the Class 1, Class 2 or Class 3 driver’s licence, with a view to assessing the program.
To maintain participation in the Programme enrichi d’accès à la conduite de véhicules lourds, a student must satisfy the requirements in subparagraphs 2, 5 to 7, 11 and 12 of the first paragraph and, if 17 years of age at the time of admission, provide the authorizations referred to in subparagraphs 11 and 12 upon turning 18 years of age.
M.O. 2011-08, s. 6.
7. Section 99 of the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2) is suspended on the conditions that the student has successfully completed all the compulsory parts of the program of study prior to going on the road and holds an attestation to that effect issued by the Société.
M.O. 2011-08, s. 7.
8. A student may not engage in transportation
(1)  involving dangerous substances as defined in the Transportation of Dangerous Substances Regulation (chapter C-24.2, r. 43);
(2)  requiring the issue of a permit provided for in the Regulation respecting special permits (chapter C-24.2, r. 35), the Special Road Train Operating Permits Regulation (chapter C-24.2, r. 36) or section 633 of the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2); or
(3)  outside the territory of the province of Québec.
M.O. 2011-08, s. 8.
9. The Société removes a student from the Programme enrichi d’accès à la conduite de véhicules lourds when
(1)  the student’s probationary licence or learner’s licence is suspended or revoked;
(2)  the student is the subject of an intervention under the Conduct Review Policy for Heavy Vehicle Drivers published on the Société’s website and adopted under the Act respecting owners, operators and drivers of heavy vehicles (chapter P-30.3); or
(3)  the student fails to comply with the requirements of section 6 or 8 during the Programme enrichi d’accès à la conduite de véhicules lourds.
M.O. 2011-08, s. 9.
10. To obtain a Class 1 and Class 3 driver’s licence, a student must
(1)  have successfully completed the Transport par camion program of study;
(2)  have successfully completed, in a participating undertaking, a training period as a driver of road vehicles covered by Class 2 or Class 3 until the student has completed a 24-month period as the holder of a Class 5 probationary licence;
(3)  have been the holder of a Class 1 and Class 3 learner’s licence as of the theoretical examination under the Programme enrichi d’accès à la conduite de véhicules lourds until the end of the 24-month period as the holder of a Class 5 probationary licence; and
(4)  meet the conditions provided for in the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2) for the issue of a licence.
M.O. 2011-08, s. 10.
11. To obtain a Class 2 driver’s licence, a student must
(1)  have successfully completed the Conduite d’autobus program of study;
(2)  have successfully completed, in a participating undertaking, a training period as a driver of road vehicles covered by Class 2 until the student has completed a 24-month period as the holder of a Class 5 probationary licence;
(3)  have been the holder of a Class 2 learner’s licence as of the theoretical examination under the Programme enrichi d’accès à la conduite de véhicules lourds until the end of the 24-month period as the holder of a Class 5 probationary licence; and
(4)  meet the conditions provided for in the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2) for the issue of a licence.
M.O. 2011-08, s. 11.
12. The Société is authorized, for the purposes of this Order, to enter into agreements with the school boards referred to therein with respect to
(1)  the terms and conditions for the implementation of the Programme enrichi d’accès à la conduite de véhicules lourds;
(2)  the collection of information on the administration of the Programme enrichi d’accès à la conduite de véhicules lourds; and
(3)  the forwarding of such information and of information on the management of the Programme enrichi d’accès à la conduite de véhicules lourds.
Those agreements are published on the Société’s website.
M.O. 2011-08, s. 12.
13. The Société is advised about the implementation of the Programme enrichi d’accès à la conduite de véhicules lourds by a committee composed of 1 representative from each of the following organizations:
(1)  the Association des propriétaires d’autobus du Québec (APAQ);
(2)  the Association des propriétaires de machinerie lourde du Québec inc. (APMLQ);
(3)  the Association du camionnage du Québec (ACQ);
(4)  the Association du transport écolier du Québec (ATEQ);
(5)  the Association du transport urbain du Québec (ATUQ);
(6)  Camo-route inc.;
(7)  the Commission scolaire des Premières-Seigneuries (Centre de formation en transport de Charlesbourg CFTC);
(8)  the Commission scolaire de la Rivière-du-Nord (Centre de formation du transport routier Saint-Jérôme CFTR); and
(9)  the École du routier professionnel du Québec (1996) inc. (ERPQ).
A representative of the Société also sits on the committee. The committee is presided over by the Société.
M.O. 2011-08, s. 13.
14. The Société is assisted in the follow-up of the files of students in the Programme d’accès à la conduite de véhicules lourds by a committee composed of the following persons:
(1)  a representative from the road transportation industry;
(2)  a representative from each of the school boards referred to in section 2; and
(3)  a representative from a private transportation training establishment.
A representative of the Société also sits on the committee. The committee is presided over by the Société.
M.O. 2011-08, s. 14.
15. The school boards referred to in section 2 are responsible for the application of section 6, except subparagraphs 3, 4 and 9 of the first paragraph and the second paragraph, which fall under the Société’s responsibility.
M.O. 2011-08, s. 15.
16. To participate in the Programme enrichi d’accès à la conduite de véhicules lourds, an undertaking must be approved by the Société. The Société’s decision to approve must be based on the following requirements:
(1)  the undertaking must be registered in the Registre des propriétaires et des exploitants de véhicules lourds with a “satisfactory” safety rating under the Act respecting owners, operators and drivers of heavy vehicles (chapter P-30.3);
(2)  the undertaking must not have been the subject of any intervention by the Société in the last 2 years under the Conduct Review Policy for Heavy Vehicle Owners and Operators adopted under that Act and published on the Société’s website;
(3)  the undertaking has an employee who
(a)  is in charge of accompanying a student during the training periods forming part of his or her program of study;
(b)  is 25 years of age or older;
(c)  has been the holder of a Class 1, Class 2 or Class 3 driver’s licence for 60 months or more; and
(d)  has been the holder of a Class 1, Class 2 or Class 3 driver’s licence for 24 months or more, in relation to the road vehicle the student has to operate; and
(4)  the undertaking has an employee who
(a)  is in charge of accompanying a student during the training period that follows the student’s program of study and that lasts until the student has completed his or her probationary period as the holder of a probationary licence; and
(b)  satisfies the conditions provided for in subparagraphs b to d of paragraph 3.
M.O. 2011-08, s. 16.
17. A participating undertaking must make assessments of the student on the road and within the undertaking and provide the Société with assessment reports as required.
M.O. 2011-08, s. 17.
18. The Société approves the number of trainees that a participating undertaking may supervise on the basis of the resources available in the undertaking and of the objective to favor the diversity of training periods.
M.O. 2011-08, s. 18.
19. The Société may remove from the Programme enrichi d’accès à la conduite de véhicules lourds a participating undertaking that fails to comply with the requirements of sections 16 to 18 during the said program.
M.O. 2011-08, s. 19.
20. This Regulation is revoked on 16 July 2014.
M.O. 2011-08, s. 20.
M.O. 2011-08, 2011 G.O. 2, 1393